Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Family: What Does It Mean?

Family Is...

     >>> Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, in-laws, cousins, god-parents, 
             friends and co-workers all can be considered part of one's family.
     >>> not just people...family is a source of love and encouragement.
     >>> never supposed to judge or condemn...they are supposed to encourage and support
             each other.
     >>> a place to belong...it's a safety zone.
     >>> a source of affection and acceptance.
     >>> having faith in your decisions (good or bad).
     >>> barbeques, get-togethers and birthday parties.
     >>> about loyalty and wanting to be around the people you love.

No one wants to be or feel alone in this world. Respect, Honor, Love and Cherish those that you call family. It's the foundation of family that keeps us going!!

I've Lost It...Motivation

"Getting up in the morning...
Eating healthy...
Pampering myself...
Why do it...I have nothing to look forward to?

I have no job (for over 31/2 years)...
I'm ashamed of my appearance...
I'm losing faith that things will get better...
I have no self-esteem...so why should I care?

I feel useless and unwanted...
I feel abandoned by family, friends and society...
I feel like everybody is praying for my downfall...
What do I do?"

The statements that I wrote above are how I've been feeling for the last couple of weeks. I haven't even felt like writing. But I read an article on Motivation @ prayn4success.blogspot.com and it helped me think and open my mind a little bit. See I've taken to much time feeling sorry for myself. The energy I'm using to keep myself down, I can be using to build myself up. It's funny how one article or a few words can help change a person's life or outlook on life. I have one question and I welcome all ideas and suggestions...

I have been down and out so long, how do I keep myself up?